If you are a college student or anyone studying physics, then you will be happy to know that the 10th Edition of Halliday’s Fundamentals of Physics has been released for sale to the public. This new edition adds to earlier editions and has added some new features.
New Additions to Content
Some of the changes to the 10th Edition include a new and different print element that was changed so it conformed with Version 5’s design. Plus, the sections in the chapters are better put together to be the same as the Concept Modules, and some Learning Objectives were added. In addition the illustrations were changed to show the multimedia versions that can be found in WileyPLUS, as well as the added problems providing a way to assign multimedia properties.
Fundamentals Of Physics
The 10th Edition is much more accurate, contains more extensive questions about course management programs and provides questions related to feedback in order to help enable readers to be more successful. Plus, the Fundamentals of Physics 10th Edition textbook new videos give readers a path through the contents that should help students who have problems with scientific exposition.Plus, this book has material on math in two formats: self-study module and math videos.
Material Is Clear, Accurate
This edition has already been accepted by experts to be completely accurate and very clear to understand, especially the problems at the end of each chapter, which help tremendously. It is considered to be more reader friendly than previous versions of this physics textbook.
What is the Wiley Advantage?
This edition involves WileyPlus, which is an online place for research that helps students. It has study tools, study resources, and puts the textbook itself online for easy access and usage. The WileyPlus comes with a learning section called ORION that is very adaptive. It is designed to help students learn to study more efficiently and to use their time better.
There are also checkpoints that guide students in knowing when to stop and find out if they truly understand a question asked in the textbook. Plus there are reading questions online that help students see if they are understanding what they are reading completely or not, as well as samples of questions to show possible solution that were previously reasoned out. These can be used instead of the process of plugging in equations and numbers without knowing what they stand for. This step insures fewer errors in work by using the selected equations and numbers given.
Help for Instructors, Students Alike
There are also sections for instructors such as a manual, a solutions manual, a test bank with questions that can be used, lecture notes, an image gallery, and a guide to the videos.
There are also sections with tutorial problems, video solutions, feedback to boost a student’s confidence, quizzes and reading assignments, and a gradebook.
All in all, the 10th Edition of Halliday’s Fundamentals of Physics is one of the best versions of this popular and well-used textbook.